

Hayim’s business model assures excellence in quality and cost sensitivity for clients. As a veteran professional in the Jewish community and a national thought leader, Hayim is well networked with emerging and established experts in various fields. Hayim problem solves with some of the following thought partners and will use them with clients when they can benefit from complementary expertise.


Hayim Herring

Photo of Hayim Herring

Biographical Info



Rabbi Hayim Herring, Ph.D., is an author, presenter and nonprofit organizational futurist, with a specialty in Jewish community. A former congregational rabbi, senior federation executive and executive director at a national Jewish foundation, Hayim is uniquely suited to bring outside perspective and research, coupled with real-world experience, to inspire organizations to achieve their greatest impact. Hayim believes that leadership is fundamentally about creating a preferable future by understanding risks, but focusing energy on significant possibilities.

Hayim also holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Management. He has built a reputation as an organizational visionary, entrepreneur and expert consultant for congregations, Jewish organizations and other socially responsible non-profit organizations. Hayim’s areas of expertise include entrepreneurship, organizational foresight, and new methods in strategic planning. Hayim works with nonprofits to cultivate leaders who can translate their organization’s relevance to new generations and better engage individuals in the work that they do.

In addition to over 40 scholarly and popular articles and studies about the contemporary American Jewish community, Hayim’s most recent publications include a book about leadership, synagogues and the broader American Jewish community, titled Tomorrow’s Synagogue Today: Creating Vibrant Centers of Jewish Life (Alban Institute 2012), and a companion action guide for use with boards and committees titled, Tomorrow’sSynagogue Today. A Guide for Reflection and Action (UJA-Federation of New York and Alban Institute 2013); and, Keeping the Faith in Rabbis: A Community Conversation about Rabbinical Educationco-authored with Ellie Roscher (Avenida Books, December 2014), an anthology of essays from rabbis, lay people and academics across the denominational spectrum, critically exploring the question, “What goes into the making of a 21st Century Rabbinical Leader?”

In addition to over 50 scholarly and popular articles and studies about the contemporary American Jewish community, Hayim’s most recent publications include Leading Congregations and Nonprofits in a Connected World with Terri Martinson Elton (Rowman & Littlefield 2016). He has also published a book about leadership, synagogues and the broader American Jewish community, titled Tomorrow’s Synagogue Today: Creating Vibrant Centers of Jewish Life (Alban Institute 2012), and a companion action guide for use with boards and committees titled, Tomorrow’s Synagogue Today. A Guide for Reflection and Action (UJA-Federation of New York and Alban Institute 2013).  Hayim published Keeping the Faith in Rabbis: A Community Conversation about Rabbinical Educationco-authored with Ellie Roscher (Avenida Books, December 2014), an anthology of essays from rabbis, lay people and academics across the denominational spectrum, critically exploring the question, “What goes into the making of a 21st Century Rabbinical Leader?”

Theory and practice, hands-on experience and perspective, listening and learning, faith and fun—Hayim is happy to help your congregation or organization.

Categories: Hayim

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