Happy Chanukah

Posted on: December 16th, 2014 by Hayim Herring



8 Nights, 8 Questions



As you light your menorah/chanukiyah, here are a few fun questions for discussion. Chag urim sameach-may your Chanukah be filled with light, warmth and joy!


1. How do you feel about the lighting of large menorahs in public spaces?
2. What advice would you give to individuals in households that include Jewish people and people who identify with another faith tradition, on celebrating the holidays in their homes?
3. Would you eat a Chanukah cronut?
4. For those who believe that Judaism is supposed to run counter cultural to the dominant culture, at what point does going counter cultural become counter productive?
5. For those who believe that Judaism and assimilation are compatible, how do you know when you cross the line from assimilating to losing a distinctive identity?
6. What might the Jewish people look like if the Maccabees lost?
7. Have you asked your Israeli friends or family what strand of the Chanukah story resonates most: the military victory, the miracle of the oil, or the triumph of spirit over military power?
8. Would you be willing to hear me play a few Chanukah songs on my trumpet over Skype (available for the first 5 people who say “yes”-I should be so lucky!)?



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